Fulfilled requests archives

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Once a requested page has been created, please move it to here and credit the begining aurthor if the article is not a stub (short definition rather than a full length article).


  • Specific Loco Installs - It would be nice to have a single source for "how to I get the cover off", "what decoders will fit", "remember to clip that stupid capacitor" type advice. Maybe commericial people with online resources like Tony's would post their info in exchange for a non changable ad to their web site - Information courtesy of ...." Aug 9, 2006
I do agree that we need some sort of loco install information. How would we organize it? What do you think about the first page being something like "Decoder installations" with subsequent pages like "G-Scale decoder installs" and "N-Scale decoder installs" (etc, for each scale). The sub pages would list information specific to that scale and could include links to other pages for specific locomotives. Thoughts? Ideas? Who wants to start? :-)
Although it would be great if some company did contribute this information, DCCWiki is advertisement free, outside the Vendors and manufacturers pages, so they would be unable to state "The following has been brought to you by....". If everyone that installs a decoders, created ONE page, we would have a wealth of information. It just takes time.
Let me know what you think, and i could setup an outline of pages for people to start work on. TazzyTazzy 18:04, 9 August 2006 (EDT)


  • Turntables - Using them, wiring them, controlling them, etc. I understand there are lots of different ones, each having different specs. Eventually, could have a section on each brand/model. I don't know ANYTHING about them, so I couldn't even start an empty page on this. Just a suggestion if there are any turntable experts.
  • Soldering Tips - How to solder, flux, tip types, portable types, making good electrical connections, etc. 01:23, 14 January 2006 (EST)
Created by PaulMmn on March 12, 2006