Create New Term

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Create basic term

Use the following form to search for a term. After searching, you can choose to edit an existing on or modify the search to create a new term.

Use existing page to create a term

Typically, it's best to use an existing page to create a definition. This prevents duplicate pages. Here's the steps to complete this:

  1. Find the page you wish you convert to a term.
  2. Check if the template article exists the at the top. If if does, simply add the following variables:
    • description=A description here
    • termcategory=General


Lets use the Booster page as an example. At the top, there's a template defined that looks something like this:

|seotitle = DCC Decoders
|seodescription=Decoders receive commands from throttles, or other devices, and are responsible for controlling the motor and/or performing certain functions around a layout.
|description=Decoders receive commands from [[throttles]] or other devices and are responsible for controlling the vehicles and/or performing certain functions around a layout.
|keywords=decoder, accessory decoder, mobile decoder, multifunction decoder
|termdescription=Decoders receive commands from throttles or other devices and are responsible for controlling the vehicles and/or performing certain functions around a layout.
|termcategory=DCC Primary

You simply can add this template or update it to ensure the following two fields are included:

termdescription or description
If termdescription is defined, then this will be used for the term definition. Otherwise, 'description' will be used as the fallback value.
This variable triggers the system to mark this page as a term definition. The following values are allowed:

DCC, DCC Primary, General, Mobile Decoder, Non-DCC, Trackwork