Ghost Throttle

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A Ghost Throttle is a condition which can occur when using Digitrax DCC Systems.

Sometimes referred to as a Phantom throttle.

The software in the command station has the ability to perform Slot Following, where two throttles can act on that slot. That slot contains the parameters for a specific locomotive's operation (speed, direction, etc.) This feature can be used to train new operators and is perfectly normal. A second throttle is used to steal control of a locomotive from the new operator's throttle for training purposes. This command allows two throttles to be associated with the same decoder address.

The Ghost Throttle occurs when the throttles were not dispatched correctly. The command station will continue to associate that address with the two throttles.

At a later point someone takes control of the locomotive with their throttle, with a second inactive throttle accessing that slot. This causes random operational issues when the unknown throttle sends information to the command station. Usually, the ghost throttle is set for a speed of 0 (zero), which the command station acts on when querying that throttle.

StealZap is a newer feature supported by recent throttles which offers the same capability as the Steal command, but breaks the association with the first throttle.

Further Reading