NCE Products/NCE Wireless

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NCE Wireless Systems

Radio Base Stations

RB02 Base Station

  • 900MHz ISM Band Wireless Base Station
  • Two expansion ports for repeaters

This is the second-generation base station.

The RB02 Base Station is not legal for use in Canada.

RPT1 Repeater

The RPT1 has been discontinued (2022).

  • Repeaters are transmitters/receivers under the control of the RB02. Each repeater has two expansion ports which are also designed to accept repeaters. See the manual for more details.
  • Up to 30 RPT1s can be in use.

Repeaters must be connected directly to the base station.[1]

RB01 Base Station

The RB01 has been discontinued. It cannot be upgraded.

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  1. Latencies within the repeater and the base station delay processing of throttle signals. Connecting repeaters in a daisy chain increases the latency as each repeater must process the data prior to forwarding it.