Product: LZV100

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Summary: The LZV100 has three micro processors for superior performance and operation, includes all the features of our popular LZ100 and includes an integrated power station that can deliver a full 5 amps of DCC track power! The LZV100 also includes our most powerful command station software developed to-date with features such as advanced queue management and an internal database that supports a roster of 256 locomotives.

The LZV100 also has the RailCom bit cutout hardware built in! There is no need to purchase a lot of additional system hardware or perform complicated wiring to gain lots of advantages through this advanced form of two way DCC communication. The final software for RailCom is awaiting completion of the NMRA DCC WG specifications and will be released as a simple software update in the spring.

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Prices for: LZV100

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  • Litchfield Station - $200.00 USD
    • Qty: 1, Condition: New, Update: Jun 15, 2023
  • Credit Valley Railway Company - $316.65 USD*
    • Qty: 1, Condition: New, Update: Apr 13, 2024