Product: Power Shield X

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Summary: The Power Shield X is a Power Management device. The PSX will handle the increased inrush currents due to sound-equipped multifunction decoders.

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Prices for: Power Shield X

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  • Coastal DCC - $105.23 USD*
    • Qty: 1+, Condition: New, Update: Jun 12, 2024
  • TonysTrains - $49.95 USD
    • Qty: 11, Condition: New, Update: Jun 12, 2024
  • Trainz - $106.25 USD
    • Qty: 0, Condition: New, Update: Jun 12, 2024
  • YankeeDabbler - $49.95 USD
    • Qty: 1, Condition: New, Update: Feb 12, 2024
  • Model Train Stuff - $59.95 USD
    • Qty: 0, Condition: New, Update: Oct 18, 2023
  • Litchfield Station - $74.95 USD
    • Qty: 1, Condition: New, Update: Apr 13, 2024