Product: UR92

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Digitrax UR92.jpg
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MSRP 160.00 USD
Summary: The UR92 is a combo Duplex Radio Transceiver and Infrared Receiver Panel. The IR receiver on the UR92 also supports Digitrax throttles that are factory equipped with infrared emitters.

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Prices for: UR92

  • TonysTrains - $510.90 USD
    • Qty: 4, Condition: New, Update: Jun 9, 2024
  • The Scuderia - $493.41 USD*
    • Qty: 0, Condition: New, Update: Jun 12, 2024
  • Coastal DCC - $171.16 USD*
    • Qty: 0, Condition: New, Update: Jun 9, 2024
  • Trainz - $175.24 USD
    • Qty: 0, Condition: New, Update: Jun 9, 2024
  • YankeeDabbler - $104.00 USD
    • Qty: 1, Condition: New, Update: Feb 12, 2024
  • EngineHouse Services - $99.99 USD
    • Qty: 0, Condition: New, Update: Jan 26, 2024
  • Trainworld - $549.99 USD
    • Qty: 2, Condition: New, Update: Apr 13, 2024
  • Litchfield Station - $524.00 USD
    • Qty: 1, Condition: New, Update: Apr 10, 2024