FAQ:Encoder Replacements for Digitrax Throttles

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The encoders used in Digitrax throttles can fail through use. They can be replaced using the following parts.

If you know of other throttles and replacements for their encoders, please add them to this FAQ.



If the rotary encoder fails, it can be replaced by a Bourns Rotary Encoder Mechanical 3315, part number 3315Y-001-006L. Most electronics suppliers will have this part.


See DT40x below.


If the rotary encoder fails, it can be replaced by a Bourns Rotary Encoder Mechanical 24PPR part number PEC12R-4220F-S0024-ND. Most electronics suppliers will have this part. The Bourns PEC11R-4215F-S0024 is similar, but with a metal shaft.

There are other types which lack the detent, which is the -4020F- variant.

The knobs can also be replaced with larger versions. The originals used by Digitrax have a tight press fit on the shaft.

DT50x and DT602

The encoders used in the DT5xx and DT6xx series are unknown. If you can provide this information, please do so.