CT4 Quad Throttle (CT4)

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Digitrax: CT4 Quad Throttle (CT4)

Summary: The CT4 was supplied with the Challenger Starter Set. It can only be used with that set.

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General information
Manufacturer Digitrax
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Common Name CT4 Quad Throttle
Product information

Product URL [product/0/ External Product Link]
Product Manual File File Link
Product Specifications File File Link
Year Released 1993
Year EOL 1998
Connection Details

Throttle Connection Methods Wired
DCC Features

Can control stationary decoders No


Discontinued in 1998. This product is no longer repairable.

CT4 throttles can ONLY be used with a Challenger Set. They were not replaced with another similar product when they were discontinued.

CT4 Features

  • Four control knobs to run four locomotives at once
  • Direction control for each loco
  • 14 or 28 speed steps
  • Light control on and off


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