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See the Video.


Various throttles available for the Lenz DCC system

LH90 and LH100

Lenz offers the LH100 (Dispatcher Throttle) and the LH90 (Engineer Throttle). The former is entirely push button with a full numeric key pad. It generally makes operating multiple locomotives relatively easy. The latter is a dial control with a limited function key pad. While all functions can be accessed from the latter, the LH100 tends to be more intuitive. The LH90 tends to be a better single locomotive controller, although this would vary from user to user. Those persons used to dial throttles (such as most standard DC models) will generally find the LH90 preferable, particularly if only lights, sounds and direction are to be controlled by the operator. If more sophisticated function programming has been performed on the locomotive or auxiliary decoder, the LH100 might be preferred.

The LH100 supports F0-12, the LH90 only supports F0-8

Both of these controllers are Tethered (i.e., wired). They use XPressNet, which is compatible other Lenz OEM DCC systems such as Atlas and Roco. Lenz has a unique wireless system which uses a device called XPA which permits a wireless phone handset to operate as a throttle, and it would operate similarly to the LH100 because of its full numeric key pad.

Current Models


This is the basic throttle, included with the Set 01.

  • Locomotive Addresses 1 – 9999. Address 0 for analog locomotive operation
  • Locomotive Address Stack 12 slots. Stores addresses, and frequently used settings
  • 29 functions available
  • Acronyms may be assigned to each function from a preset list
  • 28 or 128 speed steps, depending on the mode set in the command station for a specific address
  • Club Mode: Certain functions of the LH01 disabled
  • Two locomotives can be set up as a double-header and controlled simultaneously
  • Consisting: Not possible to create consists. Consists created by an LH90/100/101can be controlled by the LH01
  • Programming: Both Service and Operations Mode are supported


This throttle is included with the SET101 Starter Set.
  • 9999 addresses
  • Rotary Speed control
  • Addresses entered via number keys
  • One key allows toggling between the last two addresses
  • Stacking of 8 loco addresses
  • F0-F28 decoder functions
  • Locomotive decoder functions: switched or momentary
  • Direction
  • EStop
  • Display indicates function
  • Consisting
  • LH101 can report the status of turnouts
  • Status of LR101 modules
  • Program locomotive and accessory decoders: Program track and Programming on Main (PoM)
  • Up to 1024 accessory decoders
  • Routes Mode
  • Club Mode: Handset can be limited to a single loco for an inexperienced operator. (See Set101 description on the main Lenz page)
  • Works with the LZV100 Version 3.6 Software

A radio version is in development.

Version 2.1 Firmware

If the throttle is upgraded to firmware version 2.1, support for 69 functions is possible when used with an LZV200 command station with version 4 firmware.


CVP Products ALR900 Wireless Throttle Receiver

  • Supports Up To 8 Wireless Throttles

With the ALR900 Wireless Receiver, CVP Products' wireless throttles can be used with any Lenz DCC system. The ALR900 plugs into the ExpressNET throttle.

Future Radio Throttles


The LTM101 is a radio receiver for use with the planned LH101-R wireless throttle. Up to four can be used with the receiver.

  • XpressNet device.
  • This product is expected to be released in 2021.

Introduction to the LH101 Throttle

A quick introduction to the new Lenz LH101 Handset